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The southern grassed driveway

Wednesday 23 September 2015  at 7:20 pm

Currently, and for all the time I've been here at these flats, this is what the driveway looks like. It is slightly sloped and covered in grass. It is not appealing nor enjoyable to look at. The whole area needs a makeover. The driveway is used a lot so there can only be, at the most, two garden beds taking up a small amount of space on both sides of the driveway. And, of course, a lot of plants added to it.

For the right garden bed, as the carport supports have been set into concrete, I was thinking of adding some plants that will trail up the inside of the carport or have some narrow shrubs against the side of the carport. 

The driveway itself is actually wider than it looks in this photo, and the driveway and backyard slopes toward the southern fence (far left in the photo above).

The picture below is the kind of look I am after for this driveway but reduced in size to allow for vehicles to drive through it and to park around the back.

By creating the odd shrub that sticks out on the left of the driveway I can create some privacy at the back of the driveway as well. In the corner of the driveway at the back, with privacy permitting, I want to create an outdoor sitting area right in the corner but allowing enough room for vehicles to reverse out of the driveway. This would mean getting rid of the corner garden triangle shaped garden sleeper bed and make that whole area curved. It would also have to be higher up than ground level but not too high as to see over the fence.

With the placement of some smaller growing trees on the left of the driveway along the fence line garden bed I can create shaded areas and space for smaller growing plants and annual flowers, even some vegetables.

I already plan on adding a Koda tree; 4 Small leaf Tamarind trees and 1 Blue flax Lily to this area. I need to look into buying some native plant seed because I will need several hundred plants of lots of different species just to get started, and if I bought plants it will cost me a lot more money than I dare to think about. So seeds are the way to go. Finding the right plants might be the challenging part but I'm up for the challenge.


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