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What's this about?

  at 9:22 pm
So you've clicked on the QUESTION MARK symbol and are now wondering what it is all for? I've had to put a lot of thought into how I am going to display all the plant species on this site, and this is what this "A-Z" navigation is for.

With so many unknowns about which plant species is local to Tenterfield or not, my research has to be exhaustive. I have to reference and cross reference species just to find out if they even possibly exist, or used to exist in the area. Such a comprehensive list is currently not available in my area. Living in an area that is basically devoid of plant life except for Eucalypts, Wattles, Banksias, grasses and a few other species, it is a guessing game trying to figure it all out. I spend a lot of time looking for records of known plant species within an 80km radius of Tenterfield. My only source of information is the internet.

So, searching my site for specific plant species in this section will go like this:

With each alphabet letter in the A-Z list, each species added to this site will be displayed in one of the 28 link lists. Any flora species that starts with a letter (For example, "Dianella caerulea") will be displayed in the "D" list. On this site all plants are listed with their scientific name first then their common name. And, any species that I am unable to identify that exists locally in my area, will be listed in the "#" list.

I hear you ask, "What about a section that has ALL the flora species on this site?" Well, if you really want to go there, click on the "ALL PLANTS" link. You will find all the species in the Northern Tablelands/Tenterfield area listed on that page.

So how does it work? 
Let's say you want to find the species "Dianella caerulea" Blue Flax Lily for example.
  1. Simply click on the letter "D" link and you will be taken to a post page with all the plants listed that start with the letter "D".
  2. Scroll down the page to that particular species in the list.
  3. Click on the species name and you will then be taken to the post that has that particular species mentioned in it. 
  4. Its that simple!
However, if you want to know about the plant in general, or even where to buy them, I will endeavour to add additional information on other pages as time progresses. 

N.B. Don't worry. You will figure it all out by yourself sooner or later, if you didn't understand my instructions above.

YOUR OPINION COUNTS! A list of topics that I am thinking of writing about but need feedback from visitors before I go ahead with it.

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