Linospadix monostachya - Walking Stick Palm has to be my favourite rainforest understory plant of Australia. I recently learnt about the palm natural distribution is Northern NSW and QLD, and just had to get some, and finally after a few months of trying to find some online, I found some. So I've purchased 10 of them. I can't wait to receive them in the mail.
The Walking Stick Palm grows to 2-3 metres on average; has a trunk size of 3 cm; and prefers to grow in the shade. It can adapt to some sunlight. It flowers in early Autumn and the florets turn into a string of orange or red berries. However, it is a slow growing plant, so to reach maturity will take a long time. How many years it will take before it developes flowers and fruit is anyone's guess. I guess I'll just have to wait and see how long it takes.
My Walking Stick Palms will be grown inside until they are bigger and will beautify my lounge room with their presence.
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