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Experiment 1 - Wattle tree growth habit

Friday 18 September 2015  at 2:46 pm
I am not into the habit of wanting to prune trees or any kind of plant really. I prefer to let them grow any which way they want to grow. However, in the case of my wattle tree which I know will grow more than 3 metres tall, I am after a different kind of look for the tree without me having to prune it.

Currently, my wattle tree is not growing because it has been transplanted into the ground deeper than normal and is sharing the same root space with another plant species which has a massive fibrous root system. I did not want to damage either root system of either plant when transplanting them into the ground so I did not separate them so they'd grow separately.

Now, with the wattle tree I am experimenting with it by sending it telepathic messages and having certain thoughts of it growing a certain way. To start with I want the wattle tree to grow straight up with no side branches until it is at least 3 metres tall. Then I want the tree to develope side branches and to have these side branches grow outward to form an umbrella shape. Then I want the wattle tree to create an umbrella look with it's leaves and flowers to hang down, not only creating an unusually shaped wattle tree but will keep the bees higher up in the canopy, so I can sit underneath the tree without being bothered by the bees when it's in flower.

Testing to see if a plant/tree will respond to this unusual request in it's growth will be interesting. I am not even sure if it is even possible.

My wattle tree is barely 30cm tall at the moment and is surrounded by celery and a Philodendron giganteum; Philodendron maximum; Philodendron gigas; or Philodendron speciosum. It is more likely to be a Philodendron speciosum, as every part of the Philodendron giganteum is poisonous and I've yet to be ill from touching my Philodendron plant and roots. I'm still trying to identify which Philodendron species it is but it has died down because the frost killed it. It's not dead for good, as I planted it deeper than normal so it's roots will not be affected by our heavy frosts. It will reshoot in due time I hope.

Only time will tell when my wattle tree will take off and start growing. I thought it would've started growing by now being spring but it hasn't. Oh well!


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