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The relocated garden bed

Saturday 15 August 2015  at 11:36 am
Private renting sucks when it comes to gardening. The last time I began making a garden everything was going well. I'll admit it was a jumbled mess and the trees were too close to the flats, but I planted wattles at a safe distance from the flats. The place was sold and then the demolition of the garden happened and I've been forced to start all over again from nothing. Everything from flowers, bushes to trees got ripped out in less than 12 hours. My heart just sank. It took me years to get over it, to get over the anger, and to question whether even if it was worth doing it all over again. I am still reluctant because every 3-7 years the garden gets demolished on a massive scale.

All what remained was the grass. They moved all the rocks to the perimeter and any grevilleas I had were transplanted but soon died. What did survive are still growing. They're mostly grevilleas though. Then a fence was erected which isn't even straight.

Here's some pics of the front garden after the demolition.


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