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3 garden beds almost completed

Wednesday 23 September 2015  at 6:15 pm
Sunday, 20th September 2015
Finally done some catch up gardening and planted 8 more plants into the garden and weeded. Only one third of the entire properties' garden has been weeded (and has a half decent garden). And then I had to water the 3 garden beds.

As I was weeding and planting as I was going several birds came to investigate my gardening activity. A Pied Currawong flew in several feet from me then flew to my bin and just watched me; a minute later it took off. A pair of Red Wattlebirds? flew in and perched on the power line going to the flats and looked at what I was doing; chirped a lot then flew away. Australian Magpies hung around me and went through the weeded area looking for bugs and found lots of them. Birds of many different species always take an interest in what I'm doing when gardening, as if they approve of or are excited about what I'm doing, especially if I'm planting plants in the ground.

Only disappointed about one thing: I lost a Coral Creeper to slugs. I have another one so it's not a complete waste/loss.

Being undecided about what to plant where today I just randomly selected plants and put them in the ground, including my dwarf Daylily that I had in a pot. I think I'm going for a random look for the garden. Just throwing plants in here and there but planting the trees in the centre of the beds. Once I've got my coleus seeds germinated and they're big enough they are going into the garden as well, for a splash of leaf colour.

The photos below go from left to right, minus the footpaths and half a garden bed, when facing the road (Pelham Street) looking due east. The first photo begins where Flat 1's letter box is; the last photo ends at the southern end driveway.

Two unknown seedlings I discovered the other day that self seeded.


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